Department for International Trade

South Coast Marine Cluster met with colleagues from the Department for International Trade to explain the trade opportunities for the region presented by the expansion of offshore renewable energy. Matthew Hodson the Marine Hub Opperations Director from Cornwall Development Company presented slides [link] showing research on the potential areas for growth within the sector.

Maritime 2050 published

South Coast Marine Cluster welcomes the publication of Maritime 2050. Following a year long consultation period UK Government have launched the a strategy to drive the economic growth of the Maritime sector. Key areas of interest within the strategy are the focus on marine autonomy, smart ports and a focus on cleaning the maritime sector. […]

South Coast Marine Cluster Local Network meeting

The first South Coast Marine Cluster Local Network meeting for Cornwall, Devon and Somerset is planned for May 2019. In addition to the main quarterly board meetings the cluster are planning a series of meetings for local partners to engage with the work of the cluster and help coordinate activity locally. If you are interested […]

Ocean Business on 9th April

South Coast Marine cluster plan to present at Ocean Business on 9th April. The presentation will help businesses better understand what the research offer is in the region, and how to fund collaborative and R&D.