Floating Offshore Wind Investment in Celtic Sea

UK-based energy developer Simply Blue Energy, and Total, one of the world’s largest energy companies, have established a partnership to develop floating wind projects in the Celtic Sea off the South West of the UK. The Celtic Sea lies to the south of Wales, to the north of Devon and Cornwall and stretches as far […]

Covid – 19: Local Business Advice and Sector Feedback to Government

Advice from Government You can find general advice and guidance for businesses in response to COVID-19 at your local Growth Hub. – Devon and Somerset – Heart of the South West Growth Hub – Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Growth Hub – Dorset Growth Hub If you are not in the SW search for […]

COVID-19 Call for manufacturer of Rapidly Manufactured Ventilation System (RMVS)

Rapidly Manufactured Ventilation System (RMVS) support. You may have seen that Government is seeking business assistance to address the shortage in ventilators and possibly other kit to support medical procedures. Please see the info below for registering interest to hear more about this request. The Dept for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy are currently gathering […]


•New programme of national careers events announced •Careers being promoted this week at major events in Liverpool, Hull and Bristol •‘Maritime and Me’ profiles of women working in sector launched •Dedicated week to raise profile of sector in October Maritime UK, the umbrella body for the UK’s £46.1bn maritime sector is using National Careers Week, […]