Hydrogen Fuels Group 21st March – in person sign up

In order to sign up to attend the Hydrogen Fuels Group please sign up below.


10.30 Welcome and Introductions

10.45 Horizon Europe maritime decarb calls, Conall McGinely, Horizon Europe UK National Contact Point for Energy Global Innovation Lead for Energy Innovate UK

11:15 Financing Maritime Decarbonisation, Andrew Southwood, Marine Finance, Siemens Financial Services Ltd

11:45 Double efficient pilot fuel free ceramic hydrogen combustion engine technology for marine applications and an overview of hydrogen and Ammonia projects, Jeremy Howard Knight, Head Of Business Development, Carnot Engines

12:15 Lunch – sponsored by the Connected Places Catapult

12:50 Alternative Fuel Shoreside Infrastructure: Challenges & Opportunities’, Thomas Beard, BMT

13:20 AOB and close

13:30 Close

If you are signing up as a new member please contact sheldon.ryan@maritimeuksw.org

The meeting is coordinated by               

With lunch sponsored by 

22 available