Celtic Sea Floating Wind – Industrial Response to Supply Chain Opportunity

6th July 2020

The deployment of Industrial Scale Floating Offshore Wind (FLOW) in the Celtic Sea represents a once in a generation opportunity to drive supply chain investment and economic growth in the Great South West and Wales. Developer interest and activity has already commenced (see story from Jan 2020) and there needs to be an industrial response to supply chain opportunity. This has to start now.

In order to be in a position to fully maximise the opportunity that 2.5GW of Floating Offshore Wind in the Celtic Sea by the 2030’s represents, the supply chain must;

  • know the industrialisation questions and develop the solutions by 2021,
  • be ready with costed options by 2023,
  • be ready for first installations by 2025,
  • be global leaders by 2030.

This web event organised by Marine-i is a key part in defining those key industrialisation challenges in order to start developing the solutions that will propel Celtic Sea and UK Floating Wind into a global leading position.

About this Event

The Zoom based seminar follows on from the “Supply Chain Opportunities” event held on the 15th May 2020 which updated SMEs on the Celtic Sea FLOW strategy, identified the pipeline of projects and explained the Floating Offshore Wind Supply Chain supply chain requirements.

The objective of this event is to stimulate collaborate engagement within the supply chain and research base by;

  • Providing a sense of purpose and urgency around the concept of the Celtic Sea cluster,
  • Overviewing the Celtic Sea Cluster Regional Business Plan, including its vision and development process,
  • By collaboratively identifying and defining the key research, development and innovation questions, aims and areas essential to deliver multi-GW in the Celtic Sea and beyond.

Part 1 of the day will focus on the regional response to this opportunity and discuss how business can exploit their role in ensuring maximum benefit. Speakers will include; Helen Donovan, Welsh Government; Mark Duddridge, Chair CIOS LEP; Miriam Noonan, Simon Cheeseman and Neil Farrington, Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult; Steve Jermy, Executive Chair, Wave Hub Ltd (WHL).

Part 2 of the session will be two streams of interactive facilitated workshops intended to draw out key areas of focus. The is emphasis on strategic areas which are essential to support the industrialisation of FLOW, would benefit from collaborations/ coalescence and identify quick wins which add credibility to the UK’s industrial response to the opportunity. Each workshop will be led by an Industry sponsor with research support from UoE, UoP and ORE Catapult.

To register for the event visit our Eventbrite page here.

To find out more about Offshore Renewables expertise in the South West.
