Industry Workshop on Celtic Sea FLOW: Lifecycle of a floating wind farm – Fri, 8 July 2022 09:30 – 14:30

Floating Offshore Wind industry focused workshop exploring themes relating to the lifecycle of a FLOW farm.

An evolution of the 2 day research conference PRIMaRE (Partnership for Research in Marine Renewable Energy) that is being hosted by Exeter University this year, this FLOW lifecycle workshop is an industry focused day that will facilitate collaborative thinking between research and industry on floating offshore wind (FLOW). The key aim is to identify and explore opportunities within the themes of:

• Anchoring and Moorings

• Ports

• Marine Operations

The Cornwall Floating Offshore Wind Accelerator Project along with the University of Exeter are hosting this event at the university’s Penryn Campus.

PRIMaRE is an annual research conference bringing together marine renewable energy experts from around the world – see link for details:



9:30 Welcome tea and coffee and introductions from Exeter uni.

09:45 Synopsis of FLOW relevant research needs.

10:15 -10:45 Overview of regional capability

Presented by Phil Johnston (Celtic Sea Power) and Lars Johanning (University of Exeter).

10:45-11:45 Theme 1 – Anchors and moorings

  • Business presentation from Morek
  • Business presentation from Reflex Marine
  • Research presentation from Tessa Gordelier, University of Exeter: ‘Mitigating Anchor Loads for Floating Wind in the Celtic Sea: Assessing Shared Anchors and Mooring Design Philosophy’ – confirmed
  • Open discussion

11:45-12:00 Comfort break, teas and coffee top ups.

12:00 – 12:45 Theme 2 – Ports

Session details tbc

12:45 -1:30 pm – Networking lunch (provided)

1:30-2:30 – Theme 3 – Marine Operations

  • Business presentations by Solis Marine
  • Business presenation by Inyanga
  • Research based presentation identifying gaps – speaker tbc
  • Open discussion

2:15 – 2:30 Networking to close of event.
