South coast marine cluster partners with Cornwall Marine Network to form Maritime UK SW with new Sponsorship and Partnering offer

Maritime UK SW – Partnering and Sponsorship Proposal

The South Coast Marine Cluster was created in 2017 and since this time has made solid progress in bringing together the public, research and private sectors under the shared vision of creating a clean and prosperous ocean economy for the South West.

In January 2020 the South Coast Marine Cluster will partner with Cornwall Marine Network and rebrand and relaunch as Maritime UK SW, affiliating with Maritime UK, a national cluster which acts as an umbrella organisation for the ocean economy in the UK. By taking up the offer to affiliate and become Maritime UK SW the cluster will increase:

  • levels of SW sector influence to national government,
  • visibility of forthcoming sector opportunities and investments,
  • links to and delivery of national programmes including the recent Maritime 2050 Strategy, the MarRI-UK innovation programme and a wide range of skills and careers programmes.
  • opportunities to promote our strengths, such as hosting the Maritime 2050 awards, trade delegations and presenting at London International Shipping week.

The mission of Maritime UK SW is to bring together the breadth of our ocean economy, working in partnership to champion, grow and clean the sector.

We hope you also see the value of this activity and want to join us in making it a reality.

We can now offer two levels of engagement or buy-in to the work of the cluster:

Strategic Partners – for those who want to participate in delivering our objectives while also benefiting from increased exposure. Members should have a strategic interest in the work of the cluster and therefore will be subject to board approval.

Sponsors – for those who want to contribute financially and in exchange obtain exposure for their organisation via the cluster network and its marketing activity and collateral.

For other cluster groups nationally and internationally we also have a number of strategic Memoranda of Understanding with organisations to coordinate how work together.

In supporting the cluster you will create benefit for your organisation while also contributing to achieving the following:

Strategic Aims and Objectives:

Champion and promote our sector, internally, nationally and abroad.

– Create evidence based strategy, profile and lobbying

– Promote regional excellence by fostering collaboration between business, research and government and brokering access to support.

Drive clean growth by fostering collaboration between business, research and government and brokering access to support.

– Drive collaboration, investment in R&D and clean growth

– Increase investment in skills and promote careers in maritime.

Harness our assets to build centres of excellence to maintain regional competitive advantage in a clean, prosperous maritime future.

– Build supply chain capability in offshore renewables and bring forward investment in floating offshore wind.

– Create a world leading centre for marine autonomy and geospatial data innovation.

– Drive investment in our Sustainable Ocean Economy.

For more detail on what the cluster has achieved already and where we want to get over the next two years please see the Maritime UK SW Strategy 2019 on the cluster website. If there are areas of this work where you would like to find out more or get involved please do contact us.


Why are we seeking Strategic Partners and Sponsorship?

During our start-up phase, we have relied on funding from Heart of the South West, Dorset and Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnerships and from Exeter and Plymouth Universities). This has funded the creation of economic evidence, strategy, promotional collateral, a strong business network, numerous collaborative bids, events and trade missions. We work alongside and in partnership with other sector bodies including SMI, British Marine, Renewables UK, and Cornwall Marine Network.

In short, we have established a cluster that operates transparently, objectively and efficiently, to represent the sector and region – both of which in our view are overlooked too often.

Our reason for seeking increased business involvement now is to enable a step change in our ability to deliver for the sector in the South West and to fulfil the potential of the cluster into a sustainable, partner-owned and led organisation with the resources to champion, grow and clean the sector by working together. Our ambition through sponsorship, strategic partnering and bidding to deliver activity aligned to our agreed strategy is to create a one-third, one-third, one-third funded cluster where research, business and the public sector play an equal role in developing a shared programme of activity for the benefit of and led by the sector.


So what are the benefits to my organisation?







21+ staff

+ vat


+ vat


+ vat

Receive quarterly progress reports with the opportunity to comment on and direct activity     YES
Annual meeting of Strategic Partners and Cluster Board to set annual cluster plan     YES
Dedicated account management through cluster secretariat     YES
Partners actively encouraged to contribute to cluster sub groups and projects.     YES
Logo on website YES YES YES
Individual strategic partner webpage/case study     YES
Promote your own events YES YES YES
Receive quarterly briefings on cluster activity, support and funding opportunities YES YES YES
Opportunities to add materials to cluster briefings     YES
Logo on promotional video     YES
Logo on print brochure distributed at cluster events YES YES YES
Logo on cover of print brochure     YES
Representation through lobbying YES YES YES
Facilitation of B2B introductions across the cluster network YES YES YES
Opportunity to present at Cluster Business Forums YES YES YES
Opportunity to host specific events at your own facilities     YES
Logos displayed at cluster events and presentations     YES


*The idea of becoming a Strategic Partner is not limited to what is shown in the table. Partners are welcomed to suggest alternative approaches (for example entering into service level agreements) which are aligned with the cluster strategy. These may involve cash and in-kind contributions.


How can I find out more about Sponsoring cluster activity or in becoming a Strategic Partner?

To arrange a meeting to discuss the work of the cluster and membership contact the Cluster Coordinator, Sheldon Ryan at or call 07739359389.


My organisation is from outside the South West, can I still get involved?

Although the focus of our activity is within the South West we will network and broker businesses from outside this area into our work where it makes sense to do so. We are about building and promoting networks capable of achieving growth. If you can add to this capability, we will not exclude you on the basis of your postcode.


What is the timeline for the cluster rebrand launch and sponsorship?

Jan 2020 – Cluster Launch at Maritime UK SW Business Forum event.

15th Feb 2020 – Print collateral deadline (sponsors confirming after this date will need to wait until 2021 to be included in the next set of print brochures).

17th March 2020 – Cluster print and web collateral launched at Oceanology International London complete with sponsor logos.

