MUKSW Offshore Wind drop in Session – 13:00 – 14:30, 11th Feb

The Offshore Wind drop in session offers a quarterly coffee morning type drop in session. This is aimed at businesses, research and government operating in offshore wind to come together, raise a hand and discuss a topic of their choice. Every quarter the session Chairs Kevin Forshaw, Director of Marine Business Development at University of Plymouth and MUKSW Vice Chair Matt Hodson, Chief Operations Officer at Celtic Sea Power will kick off the session with short presentations and then it is over to the audience to raise a hand and get involved.

The first session will kick off with an introduction from the Chairs:

  • Impacts of the changing political landscape and available business funding investment and opportunities
  • Overview of forthcoming procurements globally
  • Presentation from a business already active in offshore wind

Followed by a presentation by Nick Dale, Managing Director of Tardra Ltd who recently announced announce that they had secured funding from The Crown Estate’s Supply Chain Accelerator to support their mission to develop subsea innovation and accelerate the development of Tardra through a state-of-the-art building, strategically placed to support floating offshore wind in the Celtic Sea. Presenting on “Starting up in Floating Wind – The Journey so far….”

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